Saturday, August 30, 2008

Excited and outraged - all in one week

This week will go down in history as one of the most defining moments in our political process. Within days, we nominated our first African-American for President and the opposing party put forth a woman on their ticket as their Vice-Presidential offering. Either way, this fall's election will make history.
However, my heart is with the Democratic party and its ideals and I will proudly cast my vote for Barack Obama in November. Hillary fought a good fight but in the end she didn't represent the majority of her party and didn't get the spot. I am outraged that McCain thinks he can capitalize on that and cover up his failed policies merely by substituting another female on his ticket. He thinks he can hoodwink the women of this country by trotting out a woman who opposes most issues that women believe in, who is nothing but a Republican in a dress. Shame on him! For info on McCain's choice, check here:
Just give the voters a female, any female, they won't notice.
Well, guess what, we do!
Don't pander to me, don't think I don't know what you're doing. All women are not the same. Don't attempt to pat me on the head and placate me with a token woman and think I'll be dumb enough to fall for it. How dare you!
All this has done has strengthened my resolve to do whatever I can to get Obama and Biden elected. History will be made this Fall, a history we can all be proud of.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly what Hilliary needs to get across to her supporters, who, at the moment (dare I state it) are reacting emotionally to Obama's nomnation. And, Hilliary needs to go after Palin, because if Obama and Biden are too aggressive toward her they will be labeled as bullies and sexist. They can't win that one.
