Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm baffled

Michael Jackson died a few days ago. It's tragic. It's sad. It's unfortunate. It's all those things and maybe more. But does it warrant coverage and speculation on so many TV channels 24/7? Is this what we are reduced to - making a reality show out of someone's death? He was singer, an entertainer. Yes, he broke some barriers and left a legacy but he wasn't President of the United States or the Pope. He was a troubled man who was into some weird things and made a lot of money for himself and those around him.
It's time to attend to things that are worthy of this kind of attention.
Like maybe the running of this country. Maybe if people were as interested in the inner workings of our country - or the world, for that matter - our planet wouldn't be in the shape it's in.
We have global warming, world hunger, countries in turmoil - and CNN et al are running non-stop coverage of the death of a singer. And one who hasn't even produced anything but litigation for the most part in recent years.
Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed Michael Jackson as much as anyone. His music was in the background to my early adult years.
But it's time to put things in perspective. And move on.

Friday, June 26, 2009

To Michael

Rest in peace

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why we need healthcare reform

Do you know your health care coverage can be rescinded and your bills go unpaid even after a procedure or treatment has been approved by your insurance company? Think this can't happen? Think again.,0,3508020,full.story
In a government meeting recently to discuss health care insurance practices and possible solutions, all three insurance companies represented refused to agree that they would not rescind care previously approved for any reason other than fraud. In fact, it was discovered that employees were rewarded when they rescinded the care of policy holders.
If this isn't an outrage, I don't know what is.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It happens again

A GOP staffer working in the office of TN State Senator Black sent out a racist picture via email depicting President Obama as a spook I just sent an email to the Senator condemning this action and calling for the firing of the woman who did this. The staffer's "apology"? She sent the picture to the "wrong address". TN must be so proud.
Below is my email:
Dear Senator Black,
I read today that Sherri Goforth, your executive assistant sent around a racist photo thinking she was making a joke.
Her only "apology" was that she hit the wrong button; she didn't mean to send it to everyone.
Are you kidding me? The fact that she considered it okay to send at all speaks volumes.
Your office needs to make a statement about this condemning this action and firing this woman for committing this despicable act.
Our President deserves respect. Yes, we are free in this country to express our viewpoint but not from a public office. If she harbors those kinds of feelings she needs to keep them to herself - as well as grow up and join the 21st century.
I think I will write about this in my blog today so others will know as well. Yesterday I commented on the Republican from SC who made a comment about Mrs. Obama. Your office now joins the ranks of one harboring clueless individuals as well.
Email the Senator with your own thoughts at:
This is not okay. I am sick over this.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just when I thought I had heard it all

Rusty DePass, a SC Republican activist and former chairman of the state elections commission recently made a comment that an escaped gorilla was an "ancestor" of Michelle Obama. Don't believe me? Check here: He later "apologized" by saying he didn't mean to offend anyone, his remark was in jest. JEST? Are you kidding me?
When did this become acceptable for supposedly respected officials to talk this way about fellow human beings? Worse yet, the wife of our elected leader? I don't recall this kind of trash talking when Bush was in power. Is President Obama and his family fair game because he's black? Am I implying the dreaded racist word? Yes.
President Barack Obama is black. His family is black. So what? Get over it. Don't like it. Leave.
It is not all right to speak about the man who is our PRESIDENT [or his family] like that.
More and more, I am hearing rhetoric that tells me that President Obama is not respected as our past presidents have been and this greatly disturbs me. I thought when President Obama was elected it meant a huge turning point for this country.
I guess I was wrong. Republicans seem to take every opportunity to talk badly about the Administration They rally around talk show hosts and former elected officials and show time and again that they have nothing to offer but negativity. Our only hope is to show all of them the door.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Human rights - a vanishing breed?

I was so saddened to learn this morning that the two journalists were sentenced to 12 years' hard labor in North Korea.
I am holding on to the belief that they will still be released and NK is using this to their advantage right now.
But the fact remains that they were sentenced and have been held all this time.
It boggles the mind that this still goes on in this day and age when simple human kindness seems to be non-existent.
Our country is reporting all the sadness and outrage at this event. I sympathize. But then I think of Gitmo and all the stories that are coming out of there. And some past leaders trying to justify the use of torture. Are we any better? How can we criticize unless we clean up our own backyard?