Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Feeling down

Must be a wrinkle in the vortex or something. People are showing their ugly side lately.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Trust - it's an elusive thing and once broken, hard to fix. Friends are hard to come by and to be treasured.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sandwich generation

Going to visit MotherInLaw next week because she has been ill recently. Luckily, she has recovered but we still want to see her for ourselves, make sure she is OK, and spend some time with her. It also brings home the fact that as we are aging, so our our parents and it becomes more and more important to make sure they have all they need. As their children, we owe them that much. It's very hard when there is a physical distance between parent and child. In the old days, children tended to settle near where they grew up. But nowadays with jobs, careers, marriage, etc, everyone is flung far and wide. I don't have the answers. But we Boomers are in a unique position - dealing with our own aging, something we never ever imagined and helping our parents face theirs.
Remember "never trust anyone over 30"? Thirty? What's that? A number in the distant past.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

We need health care reform

and we need it now.
And our elected Democrats need to work for their constituents who elected them.
If they stand with Republicans on this and obstruct they need to know there will be consequences.
If you agree, please go to this site and sign the petition telling them so.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I am sickened by some of the attitudes of people in this country

Well, we lost the bid to have the 2016 Olympics in Chicago. Oh, well, it would have been nice and the people who tried to get it for us did a good job, I thought. Be sad, move on.
Unless you're in the GOP.
Then, it's use it as a means to denigrate Pre Obama. In fact, cheer when you hear the news. Because after all, it was about him, wasn't it? It wasn't about our country, it wasn't about the potential for a financial boost to Chicago, it wasn't about national pride.
No, it was all about wanting a President to fail.
If you don't believe me, look here and then tell me this doesn't make you ill.