Saturday, May 1, 2010

The immigration debate

I realize I may not be popular in AZ with my ideas but I just don't think the new immigration law is the answer.
The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. What makes us think that making more rules and restrictions is going to solve the immigration problem? And why is it a problem? Why can't we change our mind set to view immigration as a good thing that should be supported? Why not look at the issue with new eyes and new ideas?
Quotas and borders are last century. We are a new global planet family now. What happens to one country affects us all. Haven't we learned that with the economic problems we have had in the last couple of years?
Instead of making it harder for people to move between countries why not come up with a method that tracks but allows?
I know the arguments about using our resources and the threat of terrorism. They are valid arguments. I don't have all the answers. I just think we need to think outside the box not in it.

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