Friday, February 25, 2011

More AZ craziness

AZ [read brewer and the de facto gov pearse] has refused to listen to reason and fund the transplant program, condemning now-96 people to death. But this week they gave $5 million to Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu so that he could create an anti-smuggling unit, something his own county supervisors wouldn't do. Odd that Mr Babeeu is possibly running for the congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Jeff Flake who is possibly running for the soon to be vacated Senate seat left by Jon Kyl.
And apparently we also need a state gun.
And now pearse can decide who can and who can not be in a public building and have those he decides should not be in said building arrested.
And brewer managed to get millions dollars donated to help defend SB 1070.
But no work on jobs or the economy. Just cut more funds, like aid for the poor, and pass more bigoted anti-immigration bills.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Supremes and the Tea Party

Lately we have been finding out that several of our Supreme Court Justices have been "palling around" with Tea Party groups and the Koch brothers. Way to go to undermine confidence in the last chance we have for checks and balances in our country, where the Constitution is supposed to be impartially upheld. How can we feel that true justice will be done when the very people who make these decisions are being openly courted by people with obvious agendas?
If these justices can't conduct themselves in the manner that befits their position, then they need to resign - or be impeached.