Saturday, May 7, 2011

Will the Repubs ever get it?

Better yet, will the majority of voters get it now and see that the Repubs are not holding their best interests at heart?
For a really good run-down, view this. Maybe not everyone agrees with Bill Maher or likes how he says it [personally I do] but he says some serious truth in this video.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Unless you  are under a rock somewhere, by now just about everyone with a pulse knows that Osama bin laden was killed last night through the efforts of our military's Special Forces team. Under the watch of President Obama.
Well done!
Not that I celebrate anyone's murder but the repercussions of this are huge for our country and our President.
We elevated our country back to the status of power and right since the attack of 9/11. We showed our enemy that we can accomplish what we set out to do and we also did it without starting an unnecessary war under false pretenses. The Middle East is in turmoil right now but I truly believe this is just growing pains and peace will eventually prevail and we will see a new dawning in that region. And now the terrorists have been dealt a serious blow. From a power that they thought they had on the run.
This is also a game-changer for the 2012 election. No longer can the repubs point and say Obama can't get the job done or is weak on foreign policy. He did in 2 1/2 years what GW failed to do in 8.
No, this is not Mission Accomplished. This is Mission Continued. But well done.
Well done, President Obama. Well done, service men and women. Well done.