Sunday, February 24, 2008

What a week

My hubby was in a car accident this past Tuesday. He's going to be all right but the car may be totaled.
A good Samaritan stopped on the opposite side of the road, parked his car, put on his blinkers and ran across six lanes of traffic to render aid. Then someone plowed into his car!
Both accidents shut down the road, the only access into our town.
This happened just three miles from our house. My husband was coming home from work.
I got in my car after he called me to tell me about his accident and when I heard the second accident over the phone in the background, I panicked and decided I was going to drive over to see him for myself.
I couldn't get to him. I got about a quarter of a mile away and could see police lights and brake lights but had to turn around for fear of getting stuck in all that traffic.
That's when I got really upset.
Luckily he called me back and I felt better after hearing his voice and he reassured me he was all right. The accident happened right on the boundary line of our town and the next one so police and fire trucks from both towns were there. It was a mess.
It's been a week, I tell ya!
But it makes you appreciate that life is precious. Hug your loved ones and be grateful.

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