Friday, April 10, 2009

ASU refused to give President Obama an honorary degree

President Obama will be speaking at commencement for Arizona State University next month. Usually when people speak at these occasions, they are honored with an honorary degree from the school. Not this time. ASU has refused to do so.
What the hell were they thinking? Or maybe they weren't. It's all over the news feeds. I am so embarrassed by this. Their reasoning was that he hadn't accumulated a big enough body of work yet to deserve that honor.
Really? Being president of the United states of America wasn't good enough for them? How many people do they actually know who have done that? Is there something else he should have included in his resume?
Like maybe being a best-selling author? Because he did that.
Being a Senator? He did that.
Graduate from Harvard with a law degree? He did that.
Be the first African–American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Oh, wait, he did that.
Be the first African -American to become President? Seems to me he did that, too.
What did he leave out?
I'd like to know. Maybe he should refuse the great honor of speaking at a school known mostly for partying so he can stay at home and see if maybe he can add to his paltry list of accomplishments so that the great ASU will deign to honor him with their honorary degree.
I'm glad I never attended ASU. I would be tempted to send my degree back.


  1. Joy you are so funny...send the degree back. I graduated from ASU. They do some dumb things, but the education was good. Next time we have lunch, I'll tell you another dumb ASU story.

  2. Wow! A an alumnus of ASU I am once again embarrassed by the antics of the directors of the school. I guess I'll have to take the ASU stickers off my car. Who can we write to to protest their bad behavior?

  3. It's my understanding people are writing to Crow's office. Or you might try your Alumni Association.
