Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nursing shortage cools

Looks like the recession is hitting the nursing market as well, especially for new grads. Hospitals in their wisdom are treating health care like just any other business and cutting wherever they can.
I'm sorry, I know they have to be profitable but a hospital, or any place that takes care of patients, is NOT like any other business. We are not moving cars along an assembly line. These are people. The wrong paint color on a car doesn't really matter in the scheme of things. The wrong medication or a delay in treatment can be life-threatening. There is a big difference. We need people who know medicine in charge of the big decisions. People who aren't trying to please those higher up or who aren't grovelling in an effort to keep their own job. People who have the gumption to put a stop to pinching pennies when it endangers lives.
President Obama said he likes and admires nurses. When he overhauls the healthcare system, I hope he looks at how the money is being spent there just as he is doing in other areas. Being efficient won't matter if patients suffer because of it.

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