Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We all have so much to be thankful for today. Despite the many problems that we have in this country, at least we have the wherewithal to attack the problems and come up with a solution. No matter what, I am still grateful to be a citizen of this country. But more than that, I am grateful for family and friends. I truly count myself as blessed and I wish everyone a happy and blessed day!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I have GOT to stop reading the news services

Dr. Andrew Weil suggests going on a news "fast" for increasing positive energy in your life. I have been doing that but I admit I have cheated - by reading and The Huffington Post. Man, the world gets me riled up sometimes. I have to learn to let it go.
Hubby and I watched a great film last night The Shift by Wayne Dyer. I highly recommend it. It is worth the time to watch it several times actually. There is so much there, it's hard to take it in all at once.
But I feel called to follow what he talks about: to take stock, to give back, to look within and see what really matters, not be driven by outside forces.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Releasing negative energy

The older I get, the less tolerant I am of the negative energy of others. Maybe intolerant is not the exact word to use. Less willing to place myself in its presence. That sounds better. :>)
Regardless, why put up with that? People are certainly free to be as negative as they want. I am just as free to remove myself from it. I find myself with less friends and fewer relatives but the ones who remain, I cherish. We are of the same mind. It's OK to bless the ones who are left behind, wish them well, and move on.