Friday, January 22, 2010

Met a real live Republican last night

And it wasn't fun. We went out to dinner last night and because of the storm the restaurant did not have too many customers. While we waited for our check the gentleman at the next table started a conversation with us. Unfortunately, the talk turned to politics and the stuff that came out of his mouth was unbelievable. He seemed like a nice enough guy at first. He was older, a businessman. But , man oh man, what he believed! He thought he would have voted for Brown [the guy who just won the Massachusetts Senator seat] because he had a truck and "he's one of us".
Really? That proves it to you? Set the bar pretty low, I take it?
He also thought that Brown's comments that his daughters were "available" on national TV was "just a joke" and his daughters were okay with that comment.
Good ole Republican family values.
He also agreed with the Supreme Court recent decision giving corporations freedom of speech allowing them to contribute to political campaigns. How nice for him. See how he feels when some foreign company buys an election. But hey, no government interference for him. Just corporate interference - or more than we already have.
Thank goodness our check came by then and we were able to leave. Or I might have lost my dinner.

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