Friday, February 26, 2010

Women's Hockey at the Olympics

USA and Canada played a great game yesterday. Canada won Gold and USA won Silver.
You'd think any team would be happy and proud. Yes, it's hard to lose. But this is the Olympics. How many teams get to play there at all, let alone win a medal?
Yet, I was disappointed and ashamed of the USA's team. I thought they displayed poor sportsmanship at the medal ceremony. Their sad faces at "only" winning Silver was in poor taste, in my estimation.
And when one of the payers said later that "...It sucks to win silver.", I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Then give up your paltry Silver Medal to someone who will appreciate it. Disgusting.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Health care summit

So far I am not hearing a lot of bipartisanship. I hope it happens more and more as the day goes on but the body language isn't encouraging. So far, the Repubs are spouting the same misstatement of facts.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Winter Olympics 2010

That's all I can say. Wow!
Okay, I have to say more. This is my blog, after all. But Wow pretty much sums it up. It is so gratifying to watch athletes come together every few years to compete in such a spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie. And to watch the human spirit soar.
Last night's offerings were nothing less that absolutely awesome.
Shaun White reached stratospheric heights. To watch this fresh-faced young man and experience the exhilaration of that win was a gift.
Shani Davis was poetry in motion. And a truly nice young man as well. A pleasure to watch. He made it look so easy.
And who cannot relate to the exhilaration expressed by Lindsey Vonn when she won her Gold Medal? I cried along with her as she celebrated her win.
Congratulations, all!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nurse on trial

I wonder if any of you are following the trial in TX or if you are even aware there is a trial going on in TX that could have far-reaching effects? A nurse is being tried on criminal charges because she did her job and reported a doctor for practicing bad medicine. See the story here.
If she is found guilty, I wonder how many other nurses will think twice before they stand up for their patients or just look the other way when a doctor does wrong? Then what will the complaint be? That she didn't do her job as mandated by her Nurse Practice Act? That she wasn't a patient advocate? We have too few nurses as it is. It's time we stood up behind the ones who are still in the trenches taking care of us. The next time we need someone in our corner when we are sick, there just may be no one but a bad-practicing doctor.
UPDATED: The nurse was acquitted. This is a good day.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Time to grow up

Are you as tired of all the political bickering as I am? Am I the only one who thinks that the name calling and the lines being drawn in the sand are counter-productive?
We have elected leaders who think it's OK to hold the country hostage because their particular state did not get the pork they want [Shelby]. Or Senators who say one thing one year and then conveniently forget what they said and claim the exact opposite a few years later when asked the same question. Hello? We have a thing called video files now. We know what you said and we can play it to show you up [McCain].
Or political aspirants who cowtow to a radio talk show host and say it's OK for him to say something derogatory but not someone else because it's politically expedient [Palin].
The one common theme here is that these are all Republicans. I'm sure I could find Democrats who are guilty of similar things but right now the GOP is on my last nerve. Regardless of what party they belong to, politicians are there to serve this country, not their own political agenda.
Grow up already and do your job.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Insomnia cure

I have been suffering from insomnia lately and frustrated with its cure. I think I have hit on it finally.
No TV at night.
That was easy.
No more murder and mayhem, even the fictional kind. Even the canned laughter was wearing thin.
For the past two nights, I have been reading calming inspirational material and have been finding myself getting relaxed and able to get to sleep earlier and staying asleep all night. Even dreaming more.
Now, if only the cats would cooperate and not find 1 AM to be their favorite playtime.