Thursday, March 10, 2011


I grew up in a union family. My father's job, our insurance coverage, his wages, his working hours - were all safeguarded by his union. I am not naive enough to believe that unions are the answer to every working person's trouble but this country's history  includes the hard work and the benefits that have been won by the ability of this country's labor force to unite and bargain for fair treatment.
What happened in Wisconsin by republican thieves was beyond the pale. Watching that video of how they rammed that law through, knowing full well what they were doing to their own constituents who were so strongly against that bill made my blood boil. They should be ashamed of themselves but in true rethug style, they are proud.
Of course they are. They made their rich supporters richer by stripping the workers of every right they have.
I hope every one of those who voted for that bill last night is recalled as quickly as possible. And next year as soon as he is eligible, walker needs to be sent packing too. Let him go crying to his koch brother friends. He is a shameful example of what money buys in today's political arena.

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