Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Non-factual Mr. Kyl

Everyone watched this week I'm sure while the House of Representatives fought to lower the proposed budget, mostly by offering to deny funding to organizations that help the poor and middle class. Nowhere did Isee an offer to force corporations to pay their fair share [remember GE's zero tax bill?]. No millionaires and billionaires were in danger of coughing anything up to help the deficit. No, instead organizations like the EPA and NPR and Planned Parenthood were on the chopping block.
And yesterday on the Senate floor in a blatant attempt at "non-factual" behavior, Senator Kyl made remarks about how Planned Parenthood spent its funds. When caught, his office made the most ridiculous retort I have heard in years: his remark was not intended to be a factual statement.
No where in his remarks did he state that. No he stated his "facts" as if they were true. I was taught that that was a LIE!
There seems to be no depth the republicans will stoop to to further their agenda against the middle and poor class and now women. Don't forget this when it is time to vote.

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