Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getting older is not for the faint of heart

I recently had a minor health issue that warranted a trip to the family doctor.
Turned out to be something, while not major, required some medication, some blood work, a trip to a specialist, and some follow up to be done next week.
Seemed like a lot to me just for one simple complaint/symptom.
And the exam I got [kudos to the doc, by the way] was quite thorough. She looked at all aspects of potential diagnoses and probably some that might have been obscure.
Because I am at "that age".
That age when things may start to break down.
That age when words like vascular problems, and stroke and cardiac disease get thrown around. Not for my situation, thank goodness, but I was painfully aware that had I been a few [OK, many] years younger, some of those thoughts wouldn't have entered her head.
It's not the doctor's fault.
But it was sobering to me to come face to face with the reality that we don't live forever.
Woodstock seems so far away.

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