Friday, January 22, 2010

Met a real live Republican last night

And it wasn't fun. We went out to dinner last night and because of the storm the restaurant did not have too many customers. While we waited for our check the gentleman at the next table started a conversation with us. Unfortunately, the talk turned to politics and the stuff that came out of his mouth was unbelievable. He seemed like a nice enough guy at first. He was older, a businessman. But , man oh man, what he believed! He thought he would have voted for Brown [the guy who just won the Massachusetts Senator seat] because he had a truck and "he's one of us".
Really? That proves it to you? Set the bar pretty low, I take it?
He also thought that Brown's comments that his daughters were "available" on national TV was "just a joke" and his daughters were okay with that comment.
Good ole Republican family values.
He also agreed with the Supreme Court recent decision giving corporations freedom of speech allowing them to contribute to political campaigns. How nice for him. See how he feels when some foreign company buys an election. But hey, no government interference for him. Just corporate interference - or more than we already have.
Thank goodness our check came by then and we were able to leave. Or I might have lost my dinner.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The miracles in Haiti

Please keep the people of this country in your prayers. And send money, if you can, to support this humanitarian effort.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


By now, just about everyone knows about the devastation in Haiti in the aftermath of that horrendous earthquake. How can anyone not feel anything but compassion for these people and not be stirred to help in some way? Anyone indeed, unless your thinking prompts you to say something like the people of Haiti deserved this because their forefathers made a pact with the devil years ago or that the President of this country is going to use this to increase his standing with the black community.
It saddens me to see that there are people in this country who will use their position on the airwaves to spout this drivel; who will attempt to exploit this situation to further their own agenda.
Talk about devilish behavior.
My friend's Grandmother told her that "when people show you who and what they are, believe them." These people have definitely shown us what they are and I hope this country believes them and turns their back on them.
The people of Haiti deserve our compassion, our help, and our prayers. Show the world what we are.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Will they ever get it right?

I can't tell you how disappointed I am with the Obama administration and how frustrated I am with this current Congress. We were promised change. We voted for change. We want and NEED change and what did we get? More of the same. Maybe worse.
Why Pres O wants to even attempt any overture toward bipartisanship is beyond me. The other side has made it clear they will do nothing to compromise and in fact want every Democratic initiative to fail. How can you work with that kind of an attitude?
Even though their claims have been proven to be lies, the G-O-No still passes off their crap as truth.
And don't get me started on Lieberman. Tanking the extended Medicare age option was something I really wanted. Thanks to his actions, it seems gone. Thanks a lot to someone who doesn't have to worry about his insurance plan. Way to go to help the people who elected you. You don't think we really believed your reasons, do you? Do you really think we are that stupid?
So how will this all end up? It remains to be seen but I can guarantee you that the Baby Boomers will be watching carefully and voicing their opinion come election day.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, a brand new year lays before us.
What will it bring? The optimist in me hopes for great things.
The pessimist in me fears more of the same as last year - political wranglings, the blame game, big groups taking advantage of the little guy.
What to do?
Well, do what you can - write letters, make phone calls, make donations to causes you believe in.
Then, look around at your own local circle and see where you can make a difference.
Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or animal shelter. Join a book discussion group and make new friends. Become active in your church. Read books that will uplift your spirit and expand your consciousness.
It's not good to dwell on the sometimes depressing world scene. Dr Weil recommends a news fast and I have found it to be very helpful. We don't let the political arguments of the day into our home via the television. It's depressing and not good for the psyche.
It's true that what you put your attention to expands so put your attention to something that is uplifting and helpful to others. At the end of the day, if you want to feel good about yourself, that will only happen if you are kind and loving. There are many organizations that would love to have you as a member, giving back to the community.
Make this the year that you give.
Happy New Year!