Saturday, September 5, 2009

Health Care Reform

Why do I feel like reform and "change" that we voted for is being hijacked? I hope the President puts Congress in its place next week when he addresses them. They are acting like a bunch of unruly children. It's time for the gloves to come off. Bipartisan is a nice idea but I don't see it working.
Now is the time to give directives. We sent a message on Election Day. It's time the message was heard.
We need a public option. Without it we are at the mercy of the health insurance companies and it sends them a message that they can lobby and buy their way into the government. Enough of that! We've had it and it doesn't work.
Our congressman have no incentive to vote for change because change in health care won't affect them. They already have excellent health care. The only way to get their attention is to threaten them with the loss of their jobs. If they don't vote for health care reform with a public option, we won't vote for them come election day.

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